Our community Op Shop run by volunteers, the Garage Sale supports other Project Lyttelton projects, and on Saturdays raises funds for local community groups.
The Garage Sale is a community “Op Shop” run on the power of volunteers as a social enterprise.
Garage Sale supports other Project Lyttelton projects, and on Saturdays raises funds for local community groups.
We aim to recycle and reuse our community’s surplus goods to reduce the amount that would otherwise go to landfill. Groups such as the 'Lyttel Sew & Sews' also upcycle and repurpose textiles as a way of reducing our collective waste.
We aim to provide a welcoming, caring environment for our volunteers and customers to meet up and chat.
New volunteers are always welcome - please contact us on (03) 328 9243.
10.00 am-4.00 pm Wed to Friday
10.00 am-1.00 pm Saturday
Donation drop-off:
Anytime into the shed next to the shop
Everyday essentials, plates, cups, books, clothes, toys, blankets, etc are gratefully accepted
(sorry, no large furniture or electrical items)
Community Groups:
On Saturdays, the Garage Sale is run by community groups wanting to raise funds for their own group.
If interested contact the Office on(03) 328 9243.
Project Gallery